Benedict Cumberbatch made his debut as Stephen Strange in a solo feature in MCU in 2016, which earned him great success since the movie was a great hit. He has now appeared in a total of six films. One of the most crucial movies in MCU he appeared in was SpiderMan: No Way Home (2021). The movie circled Dr. Strange exploring the multiverse alongside Peter Parker. Following the success of Doctor Strange 2, Benedict Cumberbatch discusses his future in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As we saw a feature of the Illuminati and the many incarnations of Dr. Strange in the multiverse, there seems to be plenty of room for exploration. An unexplored potential remains for the film that MCU has yet to unveil.
Besides, the finale of Doctor Strange 2 throws up a lot of new scenarios for Strange himself. One of these cliffhangers was Strange developing a third eye which could very possibly affect his powers in the future of MCU. Not to add, he was responsible for the multiverse’s disruption, as Clea explained, an incursion that he would now have to rectify. Thus, opening up more possibilities for another sequel for the story of Stephen Strange.
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Cumberbatch was recently asked about the prospect of a third Doctor Strange film in an interview with The New Indian Express. The actor seemed more than pleased with the notion of Doctor Strange 3 and responded in the following words.
“I hope so. I would love to do another one. Doctor Strange is such a complex character and it feels like there is so much more to explore with him. He is such a brilliant character and I’m still having a wild time playing him.”
Given that Doctor Strange 2 ends with a card declaring “Doctor Strange will return,” Cumberbatch is very certain to resume his role. However, it is ambiguous if he would return first in Doctor Strange 3 or another film. A direct sequel will very unlikely come from MCU in the following few years. Hence, it would not be a surprise to see him featured in another film like he was in SpiderMan: No Way Home.
Nonetheless, Doctor Strange 3 appears to be a genuine possibility. Especially given Cumberbatch’s enthusiasm for the project. Also, it would be highly uncharacteristic of MCU to feature an established actress like Charlize Theron as Clea in the final moments of Doctor Stranges, only to have her appear in a minor capacity in the future. Rather, it is very likely that her bond with Strange will be central to the plot of Doctor Strange 3, even if Cumberbatch appears in another one of Marvel’s films prior to the direct sequel. Whatever MCU holds for Dr. Strange in the future, one thing is certain: fans are excited and anxiously waiting for the future storyline of the beloved Stephen Strange.
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